Running USA. More like what I am trying to tell you here. US based and tells you loads about their races and statistics from over there.
AIMS Statistics (Association of International Marathons and Distance Races).
Statistics about marathon racing, the Marathon times through the years might be interesting - the more time that goes by the faster the winners get.. which means that the average time for the average runner is likely to get quicker too.
Temperature and race times. A curious thought that perhaps we in the UK don't worry about too much, but do we go slower with temperature?
finishing for 1 race in the UK over the years - so you can get an indication how finishers time
change over the years a bit about Haile Gebrselassie world records
World Masters Athletics. These have 2 interesting things for this website. They have a list of world records which is used for "age grading" and also a list of world record holders - the fastest runners there are.